No, I still haven't left yet. I am currently packing, but I am easily distracted by anything and everything. While eating lunch today with my parents thays asked me "So Will when you get in to Sydney that morning, what are going to do and where are you going to go?" Hinting at I really should find a place to stay for when I get there, so I went to the housing web sites I have been religiously study and reviewing for weeks now and I literally settled on the first place I looked at, the good news is I found a place to stay when I get to Sydney ... but only for three night! lol But no worries my friends, there are several actual apartments I am going to look at once I arrive hoping to settle on one to retire at for at least a few months! Any ways thats all I really have to say as of now, enjoy a picture of my room while I am packing!
4 days ago
this shits GAY