Saturday, January 30, 2010

Elemental Stroll

The Alster Lake, central Hamburg, has frozen (which hasn't occurred since 1997). Now the largest open space in the city, hundreds have begun to stroll along this surreal landscape.


  1. that's pretty awesome. what is everybody doing out there? just wandering around aimlessly?

    -alex s.

  2. when the snow wasn't there people were ice skating and playing hockey, we saw people cross country skiing, kids getting pulled in sleds, lots of dogs... the ice is a few centimeters short of being officially allowed to be tread upon so they aren't having the traditional party on the ice in which they have actual structures on the lake, but there are plenty of people partying out there with music and drinking Gluevien (which is sort of like a hot red wine), its quite tasty especially when you are freezing

    -will b

  3. Tell me about the fruit at B&B.
