Friday, February 19, 2010

Intern Duties

Every Friday afternoon here at Reed Hilderbrand, the intern has to go get beer for the office to enjoy in their last couple hours together for the week. Needless to say, there have been quite a few empty bottles to accumulate in the basement. Lucky for me, in Massachusetts you can get 5 cents (why is there not a cents symbol on the keyboard... maybe next to the $ sign) for beer bottles returned to the store.

So, today I gathered up all the bottles and cashed them in for a whopping $8.10. That's 162 bottles in my trunk:


  1. haha nice...everyone does that here too! every grocery store has a receptacle, but ours go for 0.25 euro a piece, john and i have some saved up and we're going to go get rich one day...hah!

  2. dam .25 euro is a deal! we are getting the shaft over here

  3. i think beer fridays should be a necessity in all LA firms. (Successful ones anyway!) I think that is one reason why Reed Hilderbrand has the name they do. HereHere

