Saturday, February 6, 2010

BSLA Awards Submission

For the first couple weeks at Reed Hilderbrand, I have worked on the submission of three projects for annual awards from the BSLA. We could not submit for ASLA Awards this year because Doug Reed (LSU grad) is on the jury. Here are some of the graphics that I made for the award submittals, along with some of the photographs that we submitted.

The Clark Art Institute:

Diagram of plantings used to blend the site into the forest/meadow landscape.

Photograph of the site (bottom of pic), which was cleared in a way to fit in to the pattern of forests and meadows in the hills of western Mass.

Caplan residence:

This is sort of a color-by-elevation done in Vectorworks showing the topography of the site, along with a model (that I did not do) at the same scale.

Existing and proposed site plans created in Vectorworks.

Photograph of site, which is the home of an art collector in Baltimore, MD. You can kind of see the concrete risers in the grass, which I'm finding out is a staple of any Reed Hilderbrand design.

1 comment:

  1. Hey man your shit looks great! i Like it! i hope yall win some awards!
