Since every one is posting stuff about their jobs I figure I'd post something about mine. Last weekend I went with Jenn and some of her BFF's to swim in some river. On the way there we were driving on this super super curvy road that goes up and down these hills. I got to a certain point and I stopped and got Jenn to drive so I could skate down the hill. It was a really pretty hill and the entire road was paved with really pretty smooth asphalt. I went down for a while then took a turn around some trees. I was hauling ass and i felt as free as a bird until I made the corner. a little bit ahead of me the asphalt stopped and the road turned into this crappy bumpy concrete. WTFuck. There was no way to avoid it. I ate it. As soon as I hit it I flew then just slid across the concrete and rolled a little. If you've seen Zombie Land, it was kinda like that lady who got thrown through the windshield of the minivan at the beginning.
That's my hip... Like my entire hip. It's really big. It's starting to scab over now. parts of my back and knees look the same way
i don't ever wanna feeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllllllllllll
like i did that day
take me to the place i loooooooooooooooovvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeee
take me all the way
On another note, are we 2 separate classes again? seriously?
I thought...
Nevermind. I don't get paid to think.
It's a risky surgery but maybe. just maybe
separation anxiety

you may be asking what does it have to do with separation?
and I may reply: Shut your mouth when you talk to me

white lady: "what do u think about the newest idea to stop the tiny little accident mr. president?"
obama: "i hope this shit works"
good things to separate:

can't mix lights and darks. duh

basketball players, rappers, etc. never mix well with film

no explanation necessary i hope


saw this dude rap the other night

ran into him at SXSW a couple months ago too
what else has been going on???

and this