Today I just finished my first job that I handled start to finish. It was a small project and the client's budget only allowed them to complete half of it but I'm pretty sure they are excited now and want to complete it sooner than later. They wanted to xeriscape their front yard and thats what I attempted to do. The guy really wanted to get rid of his sod because he was tired of the cost to water it. On the plan I have drawn a line to show where we stopped with the landscaping. Everything on the left of the red line was completed and everything to the right stands to be completed in the future. It was really fun getting to see this come to life and actually kind of funny to see the change in the client from start to finish. When I met with them, I could tell they were like "did this company really send this kid to talk to us?" But they told me what they wanted and were honest with me about shopping around with 2 or 3 other companies. By the end I was shooting the shit with the guy and taking a check back to the company. The job took a 4 man crew a day and a half to complete. The only time my boss made it to the site was yesterday for about 10 minutes to make sure I had everything under control. I will attach some before and after pics as well as the plan. I forgot to get an after pic of the left side of the driveway but if you can imagine we ripped out the existing crap (rock and mulch mix) and put the 1 1/2" river rock. The client wanted to rip out some shrubs under the pines up near the garage too which made it look much cleaner. Until next time, Enjoy!
Awsome job kurt ! i can imagin it pretty rewarding design and then building your own shit!