Today is my last day at Crosby. I just received a phone call from "The Picayune Item" who will be doing an article in Sundays paper on the gum pond. Between Moss Point and Picayune I am becoming a regular small town celebrity... watch out Denham Springs here I come. Looking back at the past four months it has been a wonderful experience. I've met great people in and out of work. I sold my boat "The Bass-Turd" to my buddy Jon and we went cruising on the Pearl River Wednesday for my last ride in the turd. He is now updating the name to "The Dirty Old Bass-Turd". The arboretum will always be a special place for me. I will leave you with a picture of a young longleaf pine and see you in a couple of months.
NOOOO! Garrett not the bass-turd!