So as we are studying our site (river basin model) this semester, we found out that the engineering department has model that explores a small part of the Mississippi and wetlands. It is a working model that is in a warehouse on river road that they invited to come see. It is similar to that of the one in Clinton but very small and totally out of scale, but is the idea of having a functioning model. The square areas represent wetlands with the blue stuff representing soil sediment moving through the river so they can identify it throughout the model. It is a cool process of how they run this thing, but it just is not accurate in its readings and such. The model only has a few years of life left due to it being built out of wooden planks underneath the fabric. Enjoy the pics and well post some of our projects from this semester later.
This is fucking sick man! Do you think I could just have it when their done with it ... I wanna play with it!